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Cute Girl in Classroom
Volunteering Group



Mah-Jong players meet fortnightly at the Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre both on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month. 10 am to 12 pm. Refreshments are provided.

Transport can be arranged if required


Yarning is held on the each Friday of the month 10 am – 12 pm at Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre. Our Yarning Group chat and work with yarns of all types. We have people who knit, sew, crochet and make lace.

Transport can be arranged if required


Art Group takes place every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month 10 am - 12 pm at Turramurra Seniors Centre. Our Art Group provides an opportunity to paint in different mediums, in a social and relaxed setting. Places are limited so please book ahead.

Transport can be arranged if required.


Line Dancing takes place every Thursday from 9:30am - 11:30am at the St Ives Community Hall. Learn some new moves and make some new friends!


English Conversation Classes takes place every Tuesday during the school term from 10am - 12pm at the Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre. Call KNC on 9988 4966 to book your place.


Social Outings e.g. to local garden nurseries, coffee shops etc with a volunteer companion/driver are occasionally arranged on request.

In addition group outings are occasionally arranged to various local scenic spots.


Wellness Activities

  • Yoga – Tuesday  – St Ives

  • Berowra– Monday: Social Games (Mah-jong, Scrabble and Cards)

  • Galston – Monday – Multi-cultural Morning Tea, Tuesday- Lunch Club, Wednesday – Lunch Club

Spots are limited so please phone a week ahead to reserve your spot If you are interested in joining any of the above
groups, please call 9988 4966 for more details or email

Social Groups and Wellness Activities - St Ives

Senior Swimmer
Senior Citizen Exercise Class
Cheerful Seniors
Man Holding Newborn
Gay Couple with their Son

Call us on (02) 9988 4966 for support and advice Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm


Justice of the Peace Service 
12pm-1pm Mon-Fri

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