Funded By the Australian Government

Carer Connections - Who are we?
Carer Connections is a division of the Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre Ltd (KNC).
Please visit the Carer Connections website for more details - http://www.carerconnections.org.au
What can we do for you
Carer Connections is all about providing carers with consistent positive outcomes through:
Linkage to Services
Information for Carers
The Carer Gateway is main resource for carers.
It is filled with useful resources that can help you with your role as carer and your general well-being. You will find resources on the following topics:
Health - Nutrition and fitness
Caring role - Access to information/educational resources, training, caring advice/mentoring, legal advice, advocacy, equipment/aids
Finances - How to apply for carer payment/allowance
Support regarding work - returning to work, strategies to communicate/negotiate with employer and post cessation of employment
Carer Connections can assist you in locating this information and navigating the Carer Gateway website.​
As the Carer Gateway develops over the next year, the following services will be available. Until then Carer Connections is able to provide these services.
Peer Support
Peer support both online and in person. Support groups are organised especially to allow carers to gain connection with other carers so they can feel supported and connected in their time of need.
Organise counselling sessions for carers via our accredited providers both in person or online.
Both self-guided and facilitated coaching is available in a variety of topics such as fitness, nutrition, mentoring, legal advice, stress management and post cessation of employment support.
Carer Directed Support
In addition to providing the above ancillary support, Carer Connections can arrange for a range of practical support to assist carers in their caring role. eg cleaning, respite, cooking and assistance with transport.